
This post is going to be more boring than normal:

I recently found a free program that lets me check all the blogs I want to without actually logging on to all 15 sites. The program is called Feed Reader and it's free.

It works by you subscribing to your favorite blogs through their RSS feeds- then the program will automatically check for new posts every hour or two (or if you are not on the internet all the time it has a button which allows you to check). The interface is like a mail program, the unread title appear bold and turn normal after you click on them.

I just checked and my version of IE seemingly had no way to pick up the RSS - Firefox does work though, you can hit the little orange RSS button in the bottom right corner while on your favorite blog. After which you will need to copy the address to the program, it might take a little while to work it out but it is a great reward in the end.

It really helps me spend less time browsing around and get everything read.

Another nice point is how each post has a link at the bottom to let you surf to the actual post - allowing you to see any comments.

Now it isn't perfect, this is version 2.90 they are offering for download and it still has a few glitches though they are minor.

I hope this proves informative to all of y'all. The day I first got this I was totally excited - I've been wanting to write this post since then. Software can be so wonderful!

All right, I'm a nerd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how when you think you got upgraded to the highest level, you're in a few days at like the lowest upgrade you can get. Just a passing thought.

28 January, 2006 09:31  
Blogger ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

true - I had one of the nicest computers made when it was new and now my mom has one seriously twice as good. You are totally right, technology moves really quickly.

28 January, 2006 11:27  

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