Well, I just fulfilled one of my childhood dreams (no I didn't ride a bull). I would have to say that it was one of the more foolish things I have wanted in my life. Generally you could say that I hardly ever entertained the idea because under normal circumstances it would be an expensive waste.
I am talking my friends about leather pants. Yes I got some. No I didn't buy them new. Yes they came from a thrift store. Yes they are REAL leather. Only three dollars. Yes, I wore them in public tonight when I took Jenny out to dinner. And yes, I asked her first.
I actually found them looking for a pair of polyester slacks and I couldn't pass them up. I figured I could sell them if I had to, the return would be good.
Well, have at it : )
Whoa, Nellie! Pretty snazzy britches for a conservative type like you.
Yes, you asked me first...because you're thoughtful like that...
Wear them any time you like, my dear. :)
Well, I say if you can fulfill a rational,amoral,harmless lifelong dream for $3.00, while you're still young enough to get away with it, you'd be a silly goose *not* to!
I say: Live and let live! (as long as it fits into our collective moral, philosophical, and theological code.) *VBG*
Wish I could get by with it (or things like it) again like I could when I was your edge. ...that is, *age*!
You're one of our favorites, Ick!
man i so envy you!!!
I wish I could make some rational comment without the sheer envy I feel leaking through it at every pore... I've always known you were a pretty cool cat, but I think this pushes you into uncharted territory.
Hey, it is a self portrait - I have never been able to take good pictures of myself looking at the camera that's why I am not looking.
as always, friend, somehow not surprising. jenny, you are a brave woman ;-)
Snazzy perfectly describes it! Jenny, was it very very dark when you guys went out? ;) J/K I think that is awesome that you could fufill a childhood dream for 3 bucks! Thats like my dream vehicle the Toyota RAV 4 being mine. It was kinda weird looking at the picture knowing it was you because you are really dressed up! But that is what ya do for the Lady you like. Bob adds, "You are awfully brave putting a black mail picture so readilly available on the internet."
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