
Well this has been a busy week, Ellen came home on Wednesday and so our family went for dinner at Campisi's (Ellen is fine by the way). But for pretty much the rest of the time I have been working.

My manager is very generous, since this is my last week at home he has been working me as much as possible so that I can earn as much money as possible. Too bad that the side effect is being worn out.

It does have a good return though. Money is useful stuff.

Signing off...


Blogger Jennifer R. said...

Working hard as always...that's nice, I suppose. I gripe all the time when I work lots of hours, but I'm lazy like that. I should take your perspective on things more often.

Hey, I can't wait to see you in Lubbock! Until then...g'night...

20 August, 2005 20:35  

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