
Well a strange thing happened in my first design class today. So the teacher introduces the basic format and everything but instead of telling us what we are going to be designing he has us come up with our semester-long project.

Now that is all well and good but he didn't moderate either. I was beginning to think I had walked into a political philosophy class or something because all of the sudden everybody had "the best" way to choose the best project out of a list and no one was really taking anybody elses views into consideration. I won't go into the different and bizarre ways we picked but needless to say we ended up going with the choice of the majority.

It really makes me glad that we have a representative government so that I can choose someone to do all these dealings for me. I also see the clear benefits of a set system where lawmakers don't have to come up with a new way to decide every time.

Signing Off...


Blogger aikou Iesu said...

Got sleep? Architorture!

05 September, 2005 10:38  
Blogger ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

Ha! I overslept this morning by an hour and 10 minutes. It kind of threw me because I was supposed to be at work at 8:00.

When I got there at 9:30 I found out they weren't busy so that is why they didn't call me.

At least I didn't get in trouble : )

07 September, 2005 16:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN, Eric! The sad thing is that little by little our government is turning socialistic. :(

12 September, 2005 17:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, the post above was me, Jesse Latimer.

12 September, 2005 17:19  

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