
My father introduced me to a very interesting program last night.

Google has recently released "Google Earth" a very comprehensive collection of satellite photos which are nearly completely searchable. It amazes me to be looking at New York City and then type in my address and watch it zoom across the country and zero in on my house.

On the one hand it is scary, I mean this is how you zoom in and look for missle targets. On the flipside of the coin this technology is being used to find guys like Bin Laden.

I think is is a fun toy but what are the practical uses? most of these satellite pictures I could date (WTC, school construction and my house) told me the pictures are about 4 years old so they are definetely out of date.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you can just randomly zoom in on somebody's house! You were right, that is awesome. But hey, I won't really be able to zoom in on my residence...downstairs apartment and all. Oh well, guess I'm safer.

Love ya!

13 July, 2005 22:03  
Blogger Vivek Mittal said...

hey ! man you are not able to see practical uses ! surprised try to braden up a bit .....Hope in a few years with these applications being used like any thing u will think "how could i not think this ".....just think of Google Earth as your GUI to search Earth hope u don't need any other praclical use !

24 September, 2005 00:13  

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