A little note on the title of my blog.
In the recent past (the last two years) I started reading the books written by Madeline L'Engle including her first chronologically in the Murray series -- A Wrinkle in Time. These were always around our house but I never read them until recently.
Aside from her theology I really like these books, enough so that when I had to put down a title for my blog and my eyes alighted on the copy of A Wrinkle in Time that I had finished earlier that day I typed it in without giving it another thought. The little subtitle comes from a scene in the book where they "tesser" onto a two dimensional planet accidentally.
The second reason why I chose this name was because every time I start something like this online (i.e. blogging or Instant Messaging or posting to a forum) it seems to steal away my time. It becomes a time-wrinkle which I am sucked into. Hence my subtitle "the one way road to a two dimensional world"
Signing Off...
Thanks for clearing that up. I confess I was wondering what a "one-dimesional" world might be. Dimensions I get, but dimesions are a new and unknown quantity for me. ;-)
(Translation: Check your spelling in your subtitle, my friend, before your mother notices!)
Nice name, I have had a very bad run of trying to name my blogs. Keep up the good work.
I love L'Engle's books. Its fascinating how she will switch from blatant pagan religion, and then in the next paragraph say something to true and real that you could never believe that she wasn't a Christian. I prefer her fantasy books because her real, normal world books tend to be wierd and occasionally inappropriate.
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