

I think that in the very near future we will be hearing some about these folks. I will take this chance to try and give a little background.

Historically, the federalists were the faction that backed the Constitution. They held to the ideals that the counrty would be better run by a strong central government along with all the trappings that would hold such a government together. It is important to mention that John Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton are all federalists. Ever heard of the Federalist papers?

Their opponents were the anti-federalists. Basically living up to their name they fought for an alliance of stronger state governments which they believed would allow each to be run more effectively. Coincidentally, the Articles of Confederation (their document) didn't work well enough to run the country for very long. Anti-federalists include Patrick Henry, Tom Paine and George Mason.

The newly apppointed Supreme Court Judge, John Roberts Jr., is a member of the Federalist Society- though they do not hold on to the exact same points as their predecessors, their issues stay the same for the most part, one of their key purposes is to take deep interest in the decision at hand...

* The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.

I think this is a wonderful idea personally, but I have a feeling it will not be totally accepted by a large part of the populace. I can't wait to see what our new Judge will do.

Signing Off...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That is certainly interesting stuff. It has inspired me to read the Federalist papers!

We had a great time at the Memphis meeting this weekend! I wish you could have come so badly! My brother and I drove up and have some interesting car stories to tell! Very interesting.

Anyway, I'm so glad you have a blog. This way I can keep up with all the happenings in your family.

24 July, 2005 17:32  
Blogger ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

I think there is something about driving to Memphis meetings that makes cars want to act up. I had my radiator hose bust on my way home last time I was there and also my fuel line was clogged... this all happened in the dark by the way. Thank the Lord for cell phones.

Or maybe that isn't what you meant...

25 July, 2005 09:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that is exactly what I meant. The parts under the car that keep things from blowing up into the engine fell off on our way home. It was quite embarrassing. And, yes, thank the Lord for cell phones.

28 July, 2005 15:07  
Blogger ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

for whatever it is worth, apparently Roberts has denied being part of the federalist society. He says "might" have had a one year membership but he wasn't active.


05 August, 2005 22:22  

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